Here is a partial list of what web-related services we provide. If you have any specific needs not listed below, call or message us to talk directly to a live person who can discuss your project.
Used by about 80% of all websites, PHP is the clear leader for a web development programming language. It is installed on most web servers, regardless of their OS (Operating System).
A steady leader, MySQL has been holding 2nd place behind Oracle as a database to use, and the most popular open-source database system. MySQL is owned by Oracle as well, a clear indication that it is the best option for most websites.
Over 60 million websites are powered by Wordpress. Since 2005, we've been developing custom Wordpress themes, plugins, and even creating custom front-ends. We also publish our own Wordpress plugins.
Migration & Data Conversions
Whether converting your website from Joomla! to Wordpress, or needing a PostgreSQL database converted to MySQL, we can handle it.
We develop for large enterprise websites that demand a global presence with the power and reliability of cloud computing. Scalability, load balancing, managing DNS, media streaming with CloudFront, transcoding, and parting out tasks using Amazon's Spot Instances - everything needed to have an unstoppable and solid website.
Whether using an open source application or by creating a custom shopping cart based on our own framework, we can make your web store live and ready for taking orders. Need a merchant account or not sure about what payment processor is best for you? We can help.
Data Mining/Scraping
Some data just isn't easy to access as it should be. We create simple scrapers for one time uses as well as complex queue based systems that log in to an account and collect the data you need. All scrapers must be made in compliance with law.
"Unlimited" Hosting: Why Trust in Lies?
It's pretty much expected that in business and politics, the best points are sold and the full truth is obscured or hidden away. It's understandable, why push away potential earnings?
The truth is anyone offering "unlimited" bandwidth or space is selling snake oil. It all sounds good, until you try it out. Upload too many files or use too much of the server resources, and you'll be hearing about it.
We feel it is better to have clear defined amounts of space and bandwidth. What is yours is yours - and we don't care if you use it all.